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What do you think I should get?


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I have a 29g Biocube that I just remodeled. It's going to be a macroalgae tank with a few nice zooanthid colonies, nothing fancy or picky.
I used to have this nice rooster waspfish, but I lost him to what I believe was old age. He showed no signs of ill health, then just vanished. Rearranging the rockwork revealed no sign of him, and he can't have gotten into the filter.
I considered another rooster waspy, but I'm trying to decide.
I want to add a molly at some point, just a little back or dalmatian molly.
I wanted a bluestripe pipefish, but I decided that my blue damsel would probably pester it. Constantly.
Current stock:
1 Wheeler's goby
1 tiger pistol (will probably add another
1 yellowtail blue damsel (not overly agressive, just kind of a bully towards little things)
Possibly one very old sand snail - can't tell if he's still there.

What I'll probably add:
Scarlet skunk cleaner shrimp
Maybe a couple of little hermits
Possibly a porcelain crab
Molly (not a sailfin)

Bluestripe pipefish.
Low bio-load
Potential food for some fish
Needs constant food supply
Could get into filter
Might be pestered by damsel

Rooster waspfish
Display fish
Eats smaller things (shrimp, Hector's goby, blah)
Probably just eats frozen foods

Hector's goby
Nips algae
Looks pretty
Might nibble macroalgae
Small ones will be pestered by damsel (experience)

Any other ideas? Has to be fairly small, can't tear macroalgae up, and can't be mean. It also has to be something that won't die at the slightest sign of anything.
You're welcome to suggest fish or inverts that fit this! One more thing for inverts: They can't tear pistol shrimp burrows up. The pistol will wake me up at night with its shooting at the intruder.

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Generally, pipe fish and sea horses are hard to keep with any other fish because they get out competed for food. I do would some more research before I decided to go that route while you still have the damsel.

I would look at the Nano Fish section of liveaquaria.com and go from there. Every tank should have a clownfish. Blennies, Gobies, and Cardinals are popular for tanks 29g and under. You can also look at Basslets and Dottybacks but be careful for the ones that eat shrimp.

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Chalk Bass will eat shrimp, feather dusters and worms. It probably won't mess with your pistol shrimp. I've never had a problem with dottybacks. Depending how aggressive you want of a tank, you may consider a dwarf angel as well. As discussed in another topic recently, the minimum tank size for most is 20g.

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I was thinking of a cherub angel... The tiny ones.

I absolutely love how flame angels look, but I think they might need slightly larger tanks. Do they?

I'm going to have my watchman goby, my damsel, and one more fish. Maybe two more. I think that qualifies as a reasonably peaceful tank, even with the damsel.

A clown goby is definitely on my list... They're small and hilarious. They're also bully-proof, since they taste NASTY.

Are there any small enough wrasses?

Edited by Betta132
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I know those are usually supposed to be nice, but I don't want to be digging one out if I get one who goes mean...

I've seen possum wrasses, those are pretty. There's a dwarf species that I like... Pygmy possum wrasse. They seem nice, and they have the flowy movements that are so cool about wrasses.

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