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Deep Sand Bed

Veni Vidi Vici

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So while I wait for my 16 gpd RO unit to make all my water I sit here and debate my final decisions. I have some extra sand and a empty refugium and im wondering if I want to try a DSB. The cell is 12 x 24 and ive never ran a DSB so i dont even know if thats enough room to even create an effective one. I also have a bunch or base rock too. Im just not really sure what I want to do yet.

Thoughts...Ideas....? Im all ears.

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If you're looking for opinions, mine would be to not use that chamber for a DSB. The only way I'd ever run one is remotely so I could disconnect it from the system if things went south. I think a much safer bet would be to use that base rock for a cryptic fuge or a lit fuge with macro. While I've read many success stories with a DSB, I've also read horror stories. While I think they work if you do it right, it's a risk and there's a great deal of debate on how to do it right. Just my two cents.

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Check out "miracle mud". There are a few different brands, but look for the "mud" part. from what i understand it is supposed to work similarly to a DSB but at a depth of 1". The cost looks kinda steep (especially since you already have the sand), but since you only use 1" compared to 6" it is not really. I'm happy with mine,

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IMHO all sand beds are nutrient "storage" until which time they are removed. This is no different than micro or macro algea or even GFO if you think about it.

The "difficulty" with sand beds and especially DSB's is knowing when and or how often to clean them. DSB's in my understanding can go for YEARS without any cleaning...but then one day BOOM dead tank. On the other hand most "miracle" muds require regular(like annually) change-out so really, they aren't any different . Trying to find people with 5-10 year run time of these scenarios is the hard part because really, if they haven't, they don't actually know (so lets be clear I am relaying what I have heard from people I beleive ran systems this long). Even the dude who invented Miracle Mud* seems to drop his expirements off after about a year and a half set-up. But Paletta has tanks that are 10+ years and still sets up every new tank with it...and I agree it can't hurt provided all the people who swear it clears up latteral line...but now I've gone off on a tangent!

Since my tendancy is not to remember exactly the last time I siphoned the bed I run crushed coral and a turf scrubber for export; skimmer has been off for over a month. If the crushed coral looks a little dingy I siphon no more than half the tank and the other half a week later. I change my miracle mud every year around my B day.

My opinion for your scenario: you don't have to do anything right now! Doing one thing now, and something else later is worse by far than nothing at all now. At least until you've decided what you actually want to do. Keep looking at other systems until something really makes sense for you. You'll probably be glad to have the sand and/or rubble at that point.

Good luck!

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