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NEW PRICES! CORALS and FISH that are left!!!! Selling Everything (Part 1&2)


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(5/6) UPDATE!!! Well finals are unfortunately here and I've been swamped lately preparing for those and the move to California. That being said, Ive had little time to do any tank maintenance and get back to people on here. I know several people had interest in some of the corals left but hope that the newest price reductions will get those members and any others to hurry up and get everything out of the tank so I can finally take it all down and sell all the equipment! All the Rock has been sold and most of the fish went already as well… but here's a list of whats left of the corals and livestock at prices you can't beat anywhere else!!! smile.png


**- Huge purple sinularia (30$)

**- 2x large Kenya trees (10$ each)

**- 1 Palau green nepthia (5$) but they have been acting up and not opening as big since I put LEDs on the tank

**- Huge purple toadstool with short green polyps (30$)

**- Medium Xenia (5$)

**- Medium Rock covered in GSP (20$)

**- 1 long tentacle toadstool (5$)

**- A whole bunch of small & medium Kenya trees growing everywhere (since the reproduce like crazy) I can frag off the rocks and sell as a whole batch for (5$)

**- Huge ball of chaeto algae in the my refugium ill also sell for (10$)


- Powder Brown Tang (20$)- He/She's about 4" big but has been extremely stressed out with the tank teardown and since the rocks/his hideaways went with the rocks he's now is showing signs of ich hmm.png and I just down have time to quarantine and treat him, but that why I'm offering a really low price for him hoping someone might be able to! Other then the ich signs its a pretty healthy and fat fish and will eat literally anything you put in the tank still (shrimp/pellets/seaweed/etc)

-Purple Firefish (15$)- He/She's about 3.5-4" long and has been healthy and fine since the tank tear down and will also eat anything I put in the tank right now (except seaweed since firefish in general dent eat that anyways lol)

-Clean Up Crew (15$)- All are Reef Safe and have kept the tank nice and clean since i started it (and also never bother my corals at all!) Mix of Hermits (Scarlett, Blue, and Left handed), astrea snails, and nassarius snails. Not really sure on how many of everything in the tank but AT LEAST 30+ in the whole batch once i gather them all up and out of the sand

(4/23) NEW UPDATE/LOWER PRICES!! Sorry for the late post/replies everyone, I had been so busy with several projects due and and a biochemistry final this week. But just lowered the prices some on whats left to try and speed up the sale, all the rock has been sold/pending and will be going at the end of this week, so I'm really wanting to get the corals gone asap as well!…. today (4/23) after 1:30 till about 8:30pm will be great time for anyone to pick up anything that left. Just pm me with contact info and when you can pick up! Thanks everyone and Happy Reefing! smile.png

UPDATE! …. So my inbox has been blowing up and I'm just getting some time tonight to get on here after having class/lab all day, so please bear with me everyone lol…. I promise Im trying to get to everyones request as quickly and orderly as possible! But I wanted to also let everyone know my schedule for the rest of this week and weekend AND WOULD REQUEST that anyone who messages me or has a pending purchase PLEASE let me know when you can pick up the corals (if i haven't spoken with you already about pick up times) so i can plan accordingly, and also if you could send me a convenient # to reach you at that would be great! I would hate to have no shows and turn down other peoples request, Thank you all so much and so glad all these corals can go to great new homes!

Well I've decided to part ways with my beloved reef tank bye.gif I will be moving to California mid May after graduation and figured I would just start completely over out there rather then trying to lug all this out there and risk losing any livestock. I'd like to do it in a couple of stages (first the corals and live rock, then the fish, and then ALL the equipment will go so stay tuned cause there's tons of great goodies on this tank!) I would like to have most (if not all) of the corals and rock sold by this upcoming weekend so I can catch the fish to sell them in stage two of my "tank LIQUIDation" (pun intended haha). Im located in central Austin right next to UT campus, and Ill mark off corals as they are claimed to keep them on hold for pick up! Also cash payment only please (I'm not too good with paypal and haven't figured out how to link my bank account to it, which explains the cash only part lol).

Here a list of all the corals and prices!

**-Very Large purple sinularia (40$)
-Orange ruffled ridge coral with yellow polyps (30$) (Sold: Clownfitch)
-Neon green mushrooms on small rock (15$) (Sold: JCAB)
-Large Red moti that grows super fast (45$) (Sold: Jestep)
-2x long tentacle toadstool (15$ each) (1 Sold: iTandoori)

-Large green non branching fogspawn ($40) (sold: Bigsby)
-Neon green/dark green favia brain (10$) (Sold: iTandoori)
-Orange acan with about 15-20 heads (35$) (Sold: Reeflover)

-Neon yellow alveopora (30$) (Sold: Reeflover)

-Green torch coral (25$) (Sold: CRigs)
-2x green with purple tip hammer, each has about 5 or 6 heads (30$ each) (1 sold: Bigsby) (1 Sold: Fightinghippo)
-Small green sympodium (10$) (Sold: JCAB)
-Red mushrooms on small rock (20$) (Sold: iTandoori)
-Neon trumpet (20$) (Sold: iTandoori)
**-2x large Kenya trees (15$ each)
**-2x Palau green nepthia (10$ each) but they have been acting up and not opening as big since I put LEDs on the tank (1 Sold: Fightinghippo)
-2x green with purple tip octospawn, each with about 5-6 heads (30$ each) (1 Sold: Texasvoodoo) (1 sold: Bigsby)
-Very Large devils hand (25$) (Sold: Vatthanax)
-Christmas favia/ red and green brain (35$) (Sold: Reeflover)

-Medium purple sinularia (10$) (Sold: iTandoori)
-Small hybrid/mutant purple and green tip hammer (15$) (sold: Bigsby)
-Green Midas zoas about 15-20 heads on small rock (15$) (Sold: Texasvoodoo)
-Very Large pink hammer (45$) (Sold: Jestep)
**-Very Large purple toadstool with green polyps (40$)
**-Medium Rock covered in GSP (20$)
-Bright Neon green wellsophyllia (30$) (Sold: Jeeperty)
-Super Red bubble coral (45$) (Sold: Dshel1217)
-Long tentacle yellow alveopora which my snowflake clown loves to host in (35$) (Sold: Dshel1217)

**-Xenia covered small rock (5$)
-Purple Photosynthetic gorgonia (5$) (Sold: Reeflover)
**-A whole bunch of small & medium Kenya trees growing everywhere (since the reproduce like crazy) I can frag off the rocks and sell as a batch for (5$)
-Huge mass of chaeto algae in the my refugium ill also sell for (20$) (Pending: iTandoori)
-Also have a purple and red brain/favia and another pink gorgonia that's aren't doing to great at the moment (I think my pink hammer has been growing into them) but I can throw both in for 5$ For anyone wanting them with any other coral purchase (Sold: Texasvoodo)

Will be selling all my live rock (about 80-100 pounds) (All Rock Pending: Ollagie01) which has all kinds of good reef critters/Copepods/etc and also pink sponge growing on it (selling it at around 2-3$ a pound)... One large rock in front also has two very large feather dusters growing out of it and I can't remove them (I tried lol) but whoever wants that big rock can get the feather duster with it! .... Would like to sell the rock as quickly as possible so I can catch the fish and begin to sell them next! ... Then all the equipment!

And most of the corals are easily removable from the rocks or on small rocks (I went through a lot of epoxy lol) however some of the softies (specifically the Palau nepthias, devils hand, Kenya trees, and just the medium size sinularia) are grown on to/attached to large rocks so I'll have to frag them off for whoever wants them... Unless you want to buy the large rocks with them smile.png

P.s. I'm pretty busy with classes and finals just around the corner so bear with me on meeting times (evenings are usually better on weekdays and weekends I'm very flexible) and replies to any PMs, but I promise to check and update this post as frequently as I can throughout the week to let ppl know what's been sold and who has first dibs on anything! smile.png








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