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Fragged tank

Dustin Pedretti

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Ok so for those of you who havnt seen it I have a new build thread going. I want to have an attached frag tank under the stand to eventually try to negate the cost of maintenance (not really looking to make a profit) I recently moved my bearded dragon to a 6' long enclosure and have his old tank left. I was going to sell it but I got this idea that I might be able to use it for my frag tank. As I was cleaning it out I see a sticker saying not to fill with water. I filled it any ways wondering why the sticker was there...it held but you shoulda seen that glass bow. Now to my question...can I put some kind of euro brace in this thing to make it safe to use without blowing out?

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I wouldn't risk it. If there's a sticker that says not to fill it with water, it's probably for a good reason. I'd hold out for petco's dollar per gallon sale and pick up a new tank cheap or buy a used one cheap off here or CL.

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Reptile enclosures are not designed to hold water long term. Even if you brace it, you will still find yourself cleaning large amounts of water off the floor. Buy a used aquarium from the forums or cl and save yourself the trouble.

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