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Steve's new 40g Breeder


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I decided to upgrade from my 24g biocube to a 40g breeder. The 'cube is starting to get crowded! Bought the tank at Petco's after Christmas $1/gal sale - great price. Slowly been setting it up. Specs as follows:

Substrate: Crushed Coral Arrogonite + some sand bed and filter floss from biocube to kickstart biofilter

Live Rock

New Rock (Limestone + drill = free holey rock)

Custom in-tank sump with Eheim compact 240 gph pump.

BML 14K 36 LED light (Arrives tomorrow - Yea!)

100W Eheim Jager Heater

The plan was to move the inhabitants, live rock, and most of the sand bed to the new tank this weekend. Have had the tank running for about 3 weeks now. It ran through the expected minicycle. A couple of hermits, a snail, and a Molly been in the tank a week now and appear to be happy.

So here is the problem. The pH had been low (7.9), so I added some buffer over a few days to correct (8.4 by aquavitro). The water is now cloudy with what I suspect is precipitated calcium, and the pH has fallen again. Picked up a new Red Sea Pro test kit and got the following abysmally low readings: Ca 100 ppm, KH 3.6, Mg 600 ppm. Tested my Nanocube and got similar results. I'm using Instant Ocean Reef crystals and RO/DI water.

Any suggestions on how to correct the water? I'm also thinking of switching to a different brand of salt - you guys have any favorites?


New tank - beer bottle used for scale smile.png


DIY Rock


Custom sump

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one theory is get your ca and alk in order and the Ph will follow. here is an article about Ca and Alk. http://www.advancedaquarist.com/2002/11/chemistry

george monnet jr. posted links to a couple of Ph articles (too high and too low) that were great. i have lost the bookmarks, however. maybe you can find them.

good start on the tank.

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Well, it's been another week and I've made good progress. Got my water parameters back on track (thanks Planeden - good article). Picked up my BML 14K fixture yesterday and installed. Can't say enough how awesome that fixture is. Really makes all the colors pop, great shimmer, and silent! Anyway, moved all the live rock, corals, CUC and fish over Friday night. Did some aquascaping Saturday morning. Everything is looking good so far! The Corals seem to really love the BML light. They opened right up within minutes after being transferred over. And Bonus! Found a mushroom I though had disappeared months ago and thought had been eaten. Got lots of room for new additions now! Can't wait to check out the For Sale threads thumbsup.gif

(Would post a pic, but can't figure out how to add photos to this thread. Gonna add some to my gallery)

Broke down the biocube and gave it a good cleaning. New post in the equipment sale section.

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I can't take credit for the article, I got it from timfish :). Glad it's sorted now. Have fun getting your new livestock.

In order to add photos click "more reply options" and find he attach button. You have to upload and then add to the post.

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A couple of updates. Everything really seems to be liking the new lights! And I did some minor rearranging.

Also, the buyer for my old nano-cube never showed, so I decided to put it into the man cave and make it my quarantine tank. Took the top off and hooked it up to the mood LED lights in the garage.

But, being as I have to start cycling the old/new tank from scratch again, I'm thinking about getting some more live rock for the 40g and curing it in the nano as it cycles. Anyone have any luck buying either from Drs. Foster/Smith or Gulf Live Rock?




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