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So usually my encrusting green star whatever is all out and wavy. I can see some pink mushroom looking things growing on it, but it's been hard to get a good picture where you can see them because of all the green. Well all the green retracted tonight and left all the shrooms exposed. Are they a part of the green star or is it something separate growing on the green star?



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Not really, but they look like a cluster of little mushrooms or polyps. There's a couple of root-like appendages coming off of it that also have polyps growing off of it. I don't think it's cyano. The picture on the left is what it looks like when all the green is out ans the picture on the right is the same rock with all the green pulled in and the shrooms/polyps now showing.

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I took a video so it should be a bit clearer now. Just wanting to know if this is a normal part of the encrusting coral or is a hitchhiker? Also, if it is a hitchhiker, is it good or bad? If you look close you'll see little clusters of the pick polyps on top and top right of main mass. There are also shoots extending out from the cluster that have little polyps growing off of it and what looks like roots coming off the bottom. There are two or three of these shoots extending in different direction with the one I videoed being the longest. Thanks for taking a look!


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I found a picture of caulerpa nummularia (possibly C. peltata) - Suction cup Caulerpa here: http://www.reefkeeping.com/issues/2006-09/reefslides/index.php . The only difference is that mine is very pink, stems and all. I suppose there's nothing saying that it can't come in different colors.

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yep that's it. Turns out once I removed a piece from the DT, it was't as pink as it looked. Maybe it'll take off in the refugium and i'll have some fresh stuff to feed my new tang every once in a while:) Thanks bige for pointing me in the right direction.

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