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60 gallon lagoon tank build


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I catch my mollies right out of the river below my dock. If I do anything faster than a week long SG acclimation they die. In Austin I used outsmart mollies and they were fine with a 4 hour drip.

Also I acclimated fw killifish to sw over a week. They were neat

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you can't outsmart the wild caught mollies smile.png

(i know, me making fun of people's typos is a bit hypocritical, but i thought it was funny).

edit - killifish you say? interesting.

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Dyac ( **** you auto correct). Yeah it should be petsmart mollies Lol. But yes I acclimated stripped killifish, I read there are sw killi so I figured why not try and acclimate. He would idle out of cover and eat pellets then back up into cover. Poor guy rode the sump death ride and lost the mag 18 battle. He was sprayed right into the anemone tank and they were thankful. I guess he came full circle.

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Hi Lorien,

Looks like we started building Lagoon type tanks around the same time. I've got a 24g Nanocube going, and am also taking a minimalist approach to equipment and a Darwinian approach to the critters. No canister filters, sumps, or skimmers etc. I'm letting the live rock and the macro's do the work. I noticed that your water seems cloudy - do you have any filter feeders in the tank to take care of plankton in the water column? The rocks I got from Patrick had about 8 clams on them, and between them and the carbon they keep my water crystal clear, and the macro's keep my nitrate readings virtually undetectable (competition for the micro algae).

I was thinking of adding a few molley's to my tank also. Where did you get yours, and how did you transition them to saltwater? (I'm going to start a build thread myself tonight, as I keep having questions...)

Your tank is looking good - making me wish I had started with a bigger tank! (I have tank envy wink.png )

Can't wait to see how your ceramics turn out!

Cheers - Steve

Thanks! I think the others pretty much covered it on the mollies. I did get a couple of really unusual beautiful ones at Aquatek for $10. Of course that is the one that is sick! But they are so pretty! :)

I can't figure out why water is cloudy. Maybe from either my limestone rocks or microbubbles? I am still trying to figure it out. It is clear first thing in the morning sometimes, and clouds up during the light period. I have experimented with the skimmer, carbon cannister and a hang on back filled with chaeto and crushed coral...*Shrug. A puzzle to be solved!

I am getting caught up after all the halloween madness. I hope you did start a thread!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Updates: the ceramic rock is drying and will go to be fired hopefully Monday. It took a bit longer than I thought. Isn't that always the way? Pics of the wet clay and my cool mimic filefish. smile.png My plan is to stack these pieces with the holes and pegs fitting to prevent slipping. And the frag rack needs a good magnet. Any suggestions?









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The larger holes are for caves. I kept changing how I wanted to stack them as I went, so I tried to make them a bit interchangeable. I am also planning to incorporate my existing live rock to break up some of the lines. The holes that don't get used for pegs are also sized to hold frag plugs, so eventually they will be caves and tunnels with critters all over them. Some holes are for water circulation as well and will be either at the bottom or back of the structure.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Also, I am really loving filefish. I posted a pic of my mimic earlier. Here is a (bad) pic of my new slender file fish. Little did I know when I ordered it, that it is a chameleon. Very cool. Whenever the mimic filefish swims by, the slender goes vertical and turns into some Caleurpa prolifera (sp). No serious hostility so far. smile.png


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  • 1 month later...

Updates: Please excuse the huge UV sterilizer, I am treating ich. My tank is in a bit of a rough patch, but is starting to come together. smile.png I am still rearranging stuff, but it is almost there.

I had to get a new mimic file, because my other one jumped out. sad.png My macros are starting to take off, at least the ones that aren't murdered by the emerald crab or carried off by the urchin. LOL!

And I have the tiniest BTA, about the size of a quarter. It seems to be happy on the top rock. *crossing fingers






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