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Project: Backyard Pond


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Actually, shooting it could very well be illegal. Because Racoon is a fur bearing animal and is trapped for the pelt, there is a season on them. And we are not in fur bearer season yet. I ran a trapline for years, and at one point I could quote you the rules and regs. But that was a few years ago. Some things don't change tho, and harvesting an animal out of season is a nono.

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It wouldn't be illegal to shoot it out of season unless you were planning on using the pelt. You can shoot nuisance critters causing property damage any time. But I don't know if that's true with in city limits. But it will eat all your fish and they are smart and don't mind that scarecrow thing. But also migratory cranes will eat ever single fish you have. And once they find the pond, they will add it to their migration stops. Also hawks will stop by too. I have a pic of a hawk catching a 2 ft long catfish from my pond. It was caught on a trail cam.

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Patrick I might just take you up on that. Only thing I'm afraid of is if my car gets her leg caught up in the trap and gets hurt. She's old and a little fragile now but she's also an outdoor cat.

I don't see the Coon as cute at all. I dislike it cause he ruins my plants sad.png

The trap does not hurt the animal. Door closes when animal steps into cage. Patrick

If it's the same cage that I used to have then what I'm afraid of is the door closing on my cat's leg if she happens to get into it. From what I learned that door can close pretty hard and break an old cats leg fairly easily.

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Mr. Turtle is eating today. Noticed he still has his egg tooth. I'm guessing he's just a week or two old. Got him some hatchling food yesterday and hes in a little container for now, with a heater and a rock to chill on. I take him outside with me for about 15 minutes every day to soak up the sun.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Got the beginnings of my rock border done. Carried about 100 pounds of rock up from the creek. Never doing that again. Ever. Bowser the turtle has grown 5 millimeters since I got him, and eats like a pig. He has upgraded to a 10 gallon tank with a nicer heater.

Leopard Gecko laid two more eggs. In her water bowl.

Betta fish tank is covered in algae. My Bristlenose Pleco died the same night I thought it would be a good idea to smoke hookah in my room. I feel like I killed him. Now I need to find an algae eater suitable for a 5.5 gallon, that my Betta won't destroy. Suggestions?

Fixed my car. But still needs more work. Moms car broke down, so we have 4 people sharing my car right now, which makes it very hard to go up to CHS to take care of my fish.

Got some Jalapeno plants at Lowes, and some fertilizer for my Lemon tree. Which has worked wonders, BTW. Tomato plant needs a cage, but I'm broke. Gonna have to ghetto-rig something

Still have 3 goldfish in the pond, but only about 2 Mosquito Fish. I witnessed one jump out the other day. I know for a fact the water quality in the pond is good because I test it, IDK what the deal is. Need to go pick up more mosquito fish from the CHS pond.

Planted a Mango seed from some Mangoes me and my brother ate. It sprouted. Looks like a baby tree now.

Also got a Venus Flytrap which has yet to trap a fly >.<

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