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WTB pumps, lights, skimmer, etc. NEW TANK


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I am in the process of setting up a new 40g breeder. I am in need of a couple things.

Lighting: 36" t5 (retro or fixture) 4-6 bulbs. not looking for MH really. Maybe LED, just let me know what you have and we shall see.

Skimmer: something rated 50-75g not looking to spend more than $150 on a used item :)

Return Pump: let me know what you have

Small aquarium for sump. under 30" long. maybe a 20g

I dont need any of this right away. I am still building the stand and wont be putting water in the tank for at least another month. So if you know you are going to get rid of some stuff in the near future, SWEET!


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I've got a 24" long precision marine that I used on my 48 gallon if you're interested.


For the skimmer you could get a new SCA 302 for under $150. It's slightly overkill but nothing too crazy. I ended up upgrading to that from the bubble magus nac 3 and I though the 302 was a better fit for a ~50 - 70 gallon tank.

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I have a 10g tank you can easily make into a sump if you would like. $5 or trade for something.. You will just need to buy some acrylic and silicone it in place. I did this with a 55g tank to make a sump for my 180g and it has worked very well.

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hmmm. I may go for that 10g. Im possibly looking for something a tad bigger just for some working room. as far as the PM sump, jstep, its a little more than I was looking for. thanks though :) that SCA 302 looks like a decent set up for what I have going up. thanks for the tip

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