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I would like the Frog spawn! PMed


Interested in a handful of mangroves. Where are you located?

Located in Round Rock. I'll check the exact number, but I would be willing to give you a discount if you bought them all! I think I have around 10ish. I'll check tomorrow. Text me.

pm'd on fox-face.

Look at update on Fox-Face.

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I woudn't mind a couple mangroves in my refug, I have been interested in getting some but never have... So if you want to divide them up 3 ways, great but if you both want 5 each, enjoy...

im ok with just a couple/few

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Alright! I figured out exactly what I will be doing!

I'm going to sell the mangroves in groups of 4x for $20 a group. I decided I want to keep 2x for myself.

I will post pictures later today for exactly what you will be getting.

I hope this works out for everyone.

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I will give Rick and Ryan first dibs on them since they had spoken up before I did. If they do not want them, I will take a bundle.

we could split a group woods... i really don't need 4

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I can go 2 or 4 so if you want to split 1 set with me I am good that that as well... I can always find others later if I decide I really like them and need a few more... Let me know how you want to coordinate it.

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I can go 2 or 4 so if you want to split 1 set with me I am good that that as well... I can always find others later if I decide I really like them and need a few more... Let me know how you want to coordinate it.

I'm in North Austin 360 and 183... so i'm thinking that we could either meet at joseph's or we could meet up somewhere else and head over there together or you can grab all four and i'll coordinate a time to meet with you. I'm going to the aquaranch tomorrow to get some macro (against my better judgement because i'm working tonight from 11pm to 11am), but i'll PM you my phone number and you can text me to hash out the finer details.

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