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Painting the back


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Okay everyone. I really need to paint the back of my 135G tank before it gets too far along. The problem that I have is this... I was very excited to get the tank running early this year and setup the tank with that big plastic sheet of blue on the back. Now I want black, and I want to paint it. The tank is only 3 inches off the wall! So I have a dilemma. Should I spend the time to take everything out, move the tank into the garage to paint, and then set everything back up, or is there another option? The blue stuff I have on the back now does not look good. You can see where it is not flat against the glass. Has anyone tried to paint a tank using a roller brush instead of spray paint? If I do end up taking everything down, can I get a few strong folks to help me move this beast into the garage? I would also need folks to help out with containers for the rock/ sand.

There are only three small fish in there that I could place into a 14G for the time being. The snails and crabs can go with the rock into the buckets.


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Look into coroplast (sp?) It is plastic cardboard. You can get a 4'x8' sheet for $15 at regal plastics.

I also reccommend something like that because you can use an adhesive that will allow you to remove it later. Most tanks have blue instead of black because it reflects more blue light into the tank and still grows algae; black will likely slow the process of algae growth and make the tank look darker.

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