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My top-off system isn't working properly


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I've moved the pump from the wall above the water barrel to the floor beside it. I'm still getting the same results - the pump turns on at the proper time but it's either not turning off or it's allowing water to pass through it after it turns off. Either way, my sump will overflow if I don't stop it and pretty much makes the it useless.

Any ideas? This is really frustrating because the water level keeps my skimmer messed up. I'm a month into the new tank and still don't have the skimmer up and running properly. I'm sure this is contributing to the bubble problem. :angry:

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Maybe I have it upside down. The pic that came with the top-off unit showed the black cords coming from the bottom of the blue thing and that's the way I have it. Is it upside down? Does it matter, since there are 2 floats in there?

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Maybe I have it upside down. The pic that came with the top-off unit showed the black cords coming from the bottom of the blue thing and that's the way I have it. Is it upside down? Does it matter, since there are 2 floats in there?


Some ato's won't stop the flow once it is started. If the supply is higher than the sump, the siphon effect takes over once the flow is started.

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I think that's what's happening, but I'm not totally sure. I'm on vac next week and plan to spend some time working with it. If that's the case, how do I fix it? I can't raise my sump, and the water barrel is flat on the floor. I do have the water line going from the barrel, up to the top of the tank and hooked onto the canopy, and then back down to the floor. I was hoping to stop the gravity thing, but maybe my setup is causing it.

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is the end of the waterline going into the sump under water? if so, that will prevent it from breaking siphon, even if the hose is running over a higher point. as long as the output is lower than the intake, and the output is underwater, the siphon will continue. HTH

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even if the tube is above the water in the sump it can still pump extra water until the water level in the barrel is the same as the height of the tube in the sump. I recommend putting the tube into the canopy but not underwater like you mentioned and see if that fixes the problem before someone comes over to fix it for you. let me know if that works.

Thanks again for the tanks and stand!

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The output tube is looped over a fan motor on the back of the canopy (not using the fan yet), which is about 5' tall. The input tube is only looping over the top of the barrel, about 3' tall.

I like the idea of adding water to the overflow box. I'll try that today.

Gabriel, I just can't say how much I appreciate all your help and advice. I hate for you to drive all the way out here, so today I'm going to try adding the water to the overflow box. I'll remove some water from the sump so that the pump will kick on and watch it closely so see if the flow stops after the pump does. I'll let you know.

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a good place to add your topoff is in your overflow. that way it's well mixed before it reaches any sensitive lifeforms.

Good idea aquarius. Karen, make sure when you put the tube in the overflow it doesn't go underwater! I have a feeling that should solve the problem.

also, adding to gabe's comment, the output not only needs to be higher than the input end of the tube, but higher than the water level at the input end(ie. if the input end is 15in underwater, then you need the output end to be over 15in from the ground to make it higher than the water at the intake.) If I recall Karen has a 55gal drum which would definately have a water level above her sump.

Edited by 4R00P3R
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