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protein skimmer recommendations


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I am looking for a new protein skimmer. The one I have now (Seaside Aquatics ES5) is awesome! I just think it is a little big for my 20g tank. Wanting another in-sump protein skimmer.

Looking for any recommendations on particular brands, models, etc.

Thanks for reading!


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I have had no issues with my ASM skimmers. I had the ASM g2 on my 90 gallon and an ASM g4 on my 200. Both pull out plenty!

Could I go with the G-1 for ~25g of water? I am doing an SPS dominate so I want some overskimming and I also want one that would be sufficient when I upgrade to something like a 60g.

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I don't see why not. It's rated for 100 gallons so I'd say sure.

I have had no issues with my ASM skimmers. I had the ASM g2 on my 90 gallon and an ASM g4 on my 200. Both pull out plenty!

Could I go with the G-1 for ~25g of water? I am doing an SPS dominate so I want some overskimming and I also want one that would be sufficient when I upgrade to something like a 60g.

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So what makes you think the skimmer you have it to much ? I duno anything about the Seaside Aquatics ES5 but I do know skimmers are not efficient at there job and I doubt they could over skim a tank to death

Depending on the other equipment you have alot of times its recommended to have a much larger than needed skimmer.

If its power consumption worries compare the cot to run vs the cost to buy a new skimmer and you could run the old one for YEARS before it was ever made up.

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ask anyone bigger is better wink.png in most things no mater what they say.

if its full of water and bubbling lifting greenish grey smelly goo out then its working good.

A skimmer does not know how big your tank is. All it does depending on kind is circulate or recirculate water from your sump or from a direct link to your over flows into the air chamber that makes the bubbles that aerates the water and lifts the poo out.

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