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Kitty needs a new home


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LOL!! Let me elaborate a little on what Brian said.

She showed up last year (as a 'kitten') at the house across the street from the in-laws. Shortly thereafter she had litter #1. My in-laws found homes for all the kittens (b/c the owners were going to let them run loose...). This year she had litter #2, once again my in-laws found the kittens homes. This time, however, they were able to convince the owners to spay the cat. The 'owners' gave the in-laws permission to find momma cat a home too..hence we have her.

She used to run into my in-laws house straight to one of there cat beds and go to sleep, she'd fight our feet to get in the door. She would also run up to anyone in the street, stop in front of them, roll upside down, and beg for some attention. Im not a 'cat person' but she was too cool to leave outside in the cold.

She sleeps in our laps and loves to be picked up and be held upside down. I 'maul' her and she has never complained. She loves our dogs, but not so much on the cats. They coexist but thats it. Which is understandable, she is tiny and used to get beat up by the other neighborhood cats. I do not want a 4th cat!! lol. It wouldnt be fair to the other 3, I just dont have that much time in my day to give them all the attention they need. So she'll stay here, warm and safe, until a permanent home is found.


PS- Im always picking her up and hugging on her so if you do want to cook her she'll come pre-tenderized!lol

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looks like a real sweety, but I literally just took in a stray last month and she has made it very clear to me that she doesn't like other 4 legged critters. Maybe ask one of the local rescue groups if they could put her picture and story up on one of their websites? You'd have the best shot finding her a good home through an organization that screens adopting families before turning animals over to them, I know shadowcats does a very thurough job in that respect, but they work primarily with freshly rescued ferals, so I'm not sure they're the best people to talk to for this cat, but they may have some good advice to point you in the right direction.

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you should feel honored she's chosen you as her human.

And that is what is fundamentally wrong with the whole species...lol. I snag her and put her up in a home and does she act grateful?? No, she acts like "it took you long enough...sheesh." I'll take a dog any day, they wont hold a grudge if you hug them until they cant breathe...lol. She is a super cool cat though.

I'll call a couple of the rescues to see if they can put her on their sites, but if not the perfect home will come along eventually.

Thanks everyone for the advice!


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