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Clownfish meet Anemone


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Got some new clowns. They have been in the tank for a week and are well acclimated. Lately my leopard wrasse has been terrorizing them, so I thought I would introduce them to the anemone were they could seek refuge. I put the clowns in a deli cup and rubber banded it inverted above the anemone to the rock. There is still plenty of flow as I can see the anemone moving around like normal. This is not something I would recommend others to try. If they don't take to it fairly quickly I will just let them be as I don't want to stress them out.

Taken with my iPhone:


I'll let you know how it goes.

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Not that anyone really cares, but I was able to catch the leopard wrasse using the classic fish trap of a glass with the cut end of a water bottle jammed in. Works like a charm. Guess the leopard will be living in my fuge for a while. The clowns are doing good and seem to be hosting my wave box. I think it's because the pods are way easy for them to eat there.

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