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Dr. G's foods/ Skimmate Skimmer now in!


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We just received the new Skimmate Skimmers from Innovative Marine, both models.

Skimmate Skimmer Nano 16 $69.99


Skimmate Skimmer Micro 30/Mini 38 $95.00


Also in

Dr G's Medicated Foods


Anti-Parasitic and Anti-Bacterial Formulas

Flatpacks $19.99

Anti-Worm won't be in until next week.


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Sweet. I got the Dr Gs anti-parasitic at MACNA, my fish are eating it well. Can anyone offer reviews or experiences with the Anti-bacterial food?>?

ALL WYSIWYG brought in a bunch of this about 6 months ago because we couldnt find it anywhere in TX at the time. We also gave samples to RCA for sure and possibly the dome (not sure if he made it over there or not)

From what I saw I didn't see the true effects on the fish when compared to tank treatments. it is a good idea to medicate them this way but I dont feel I can feed the fish enough to achieve the recommended medicine dosage. My fish LOVE mysis but will spit 50% of the mysis in the mix out and will not touch the seaweed flakes inside the food.

Also when it lands on corals and isnt blown off it bleaches them.

I personally will just do QT tank instead of trying to get enough food into them. you could ask RCA if they saw any effects.

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Sweet. I got the Dr Gs anti-parasitic at MACNA, my fish are eating it well. Can anyone offer reviews or experiences with the Anti-bacterial food?>?

ALL WYSIWYG brought in a bunch of this about 6 months ago because we couldnt find it anywhere in TX at the time. We also gave samples to RCA for sure and possibly the dome (not sure if he made it over there or not)

From what I saw I didn't see the true effects on the fish when compared to tank treatments. it is a good idea to medicate them this way but I dont feel I can feed the fish enough to achieve the recommended medicine dosage. My fish LOVE mysis but will spit 50% of the mysis in the mix out and will not touch the seaweed flakes inside the food.

Also when it lands on corals and isnt blown off it bleaches them.

I personally will just do QT tank instead of trying to get enough food into them. you could ask RCA if they saw any effects.

They only ever got and used the anti-parasitic, which we love. It helped heal a lot of sick guys in QT, with less risk than copper I would say. Wondering if the same is true for the anti-bacterial as one of my fish I just purchased has pop-eye...

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