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Newb v.s. Nitrates round 1


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So its been 24 hours since I did a 40% water change and my nitrates are still really high. I was advised to do yet another water change. I dont have any problem doing another change but I was wondering if there was anything more I could do besides that to help stabalize my tank.

Also I got a broken skimmer of mine to start working again, i allready have one in the back left corner next to my heater. I was wondering where a good location for the second one would be and at what angle they should be pointing to best circulate the water.

Thanks alot, im gonna go stare at my tank some more. :yahoo:

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Skimming will help a little but more water changes is your best bet.

I agree, you need a short-term strategy - namely water changes...then a long-term strategy.

For the long term, skimming is a good choice, just be sure to add trace elements if you skim. By skimming you remove the proteins from the water before they join the amonia/nitrogen cycle. You can also do things to make a more complete amonia/nitrogen cycle. A lot of people create "Plenum" systems, which is a way of creating a substrate with an open area underneath that allows certain bacteria to grow which transform nitrates into harmless chemicals. Another option is to grow large amounts of macroalgae under proper lighting. Now this doesn't usually look good in your display aquarium, but if a refugium is an option for you, then it can be a great solution. I did this recently and the results were great: http://www.austinreefclub.com/index.php?showtopic=2381 Using a refugium also creates a lot more biodiversity by allowing copopods and other crustations (?spelling?) to grow...properly designed, these can then wander from the refugium into your reef tank providing food for your livestock.

Anyways, there are a lot of options and often people combine them for good results. Good luck.

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OK im sorry, I said i had a skimmer but i just dont know what im talking about yet. i dont have any skimmers at all, i was calling my powerheads skimmers..... silly bean. ive decided that im just gonna give it a few days, testing the nitrates and do a hefty water change if my nitrates dont drop.

i noticed some funny little guys on my new piece of rock, i wondered if someone could take a stab at what they are. i noticed little legs poking out of what appeared to be a shell attached to the rock. whatever it is hangs a small thread about 6-7 inches long out of the hole and well i think its fishing. there seems to be a little manhole cover they pull onto the opening when they retreat .

they appear to be some sort of small crab although they never reveal their bodies

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Sounds like maybe a vermitid snail.

Nitrates don't go away on their own. They have to be exported. Macro algae is a great way to help and water changes. Get a skimmer you will need one.

Correct...Amonia and Nitrite will balance themselves in about a month, but nitrate will keep building up. Sometimes after about 4-6 months colonies of bacteria will develop to combat the nitrate problem, but usually by then your tank is covered in all kinds of hairy junk that you don't want and your fish might periodically die.

You NEED a plan for nitrates. The plan could be as simple as doing periodic water changes. Skimming also works great, as long as your skimmer works great. Refugiums with large quantities of Cheatomorpha handle the problem well too.

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