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Mystery pH Spikes, same time each day.

janky jameson

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I recently started dosing the original B-Ionic 2-part ro my tank, using dosers. I am currently dosing 20ml of each per day, split into 10x2 min increments, with alkalinity being dosed at night and calcium throughout the day. As expected, the pH started rising when I started using the B-Ionic. I use an Apex to monitor the pH, so I started watching it more closely-and noticed I am getting 2 pH spikes a day, that don't seem to coincide with the dosing.

Looking at it over the last 7 days, the pH hovers between 8.3-8.5 most of the time-dropping down to 8.3 at night and getting up to 8.5 by the end of each day. For the first 5 days, I was getting one spike near the end of each day, up to around 8.7. It doesn't occur at the same time each day, but they all occur within a 2-3 hour span of each other. Then for the last 2 days, I have been getting 2 pH spikes-one around 4pm, and one around 10pm (both while the light is on). They go up to about 8.7 and one almost got up to about 8.8 yesterday. I've also been adding Seachem Ca to try and get the Ca up, but I haven't read anything suggesting that this would cause the jump in pH. I should also mention that I have the dosers programmed to not come on if the tank pH >8.4.

Any of you chemistry gurus have ideas as to what may be causing the spikes? As I look back, this wasn't occurring before I started using the B-Ionic, and I know that it can cause the pH to rise, so I think they must be related...I just can't figure out how, since they only dose in small increments over time, and they don't come on when the pH is over 8.4. Thanks for any responses!

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