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Something fishing in my tank?


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Soo was staring at my tank today and out of the corner of my eye I see this little stringy thing I was like what is that no big deal but then all of a sudden it retracted like something is jigging in my tank I watch it go all the way in this hole smaller the the tip of a pencil then it comes out again and does the same thing goes out about 5-6 inches mind you this thing is thinner them thread and it keeps doing it over and over like it's a fisherman tryin to catch a fish it's too small to get a photo of any ideas?

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I'm pretty sure its just spaghetti worms in their little tubes by your description.



I have these guys all over my tank, especially along the sand bed. They love to clean off any frags you put on the sand-bed,and come out after feeding.

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cool stuff. I have the strings all over my tank too but whereas a spaghetti worm has many tentacles, I only see one come out of a hole here. I don't believe I've ever seen it more than maybe 2". Wow

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The roughly 400 known species are divided between many dozens of genera. Most of these are assigned to 4 subfamilies.

So while I know these are different than the little red ones you will occasionally see being broken loose from the substrate, they are all in the same family.

I also have some that have zebra like stripes on their feeders.

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