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anyone have a qt setup at their home that is willing to qt a powder blue for me? i recently gotten this fish and its been eating fine and really healthy lookin...i went to next wave and just got home..i was checkin on my fish and my tang is showing white specs by the eye and on the eye...im not sure if thats what it is but im sure it is..if that makes sence..so i wanted to catch it early and start treatment..i am willing to buy whatever i need product wise if someone has a qt setup and is willing to help me save my beautiful tang

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anyone have a qt setup at their home that is willing to qt a powder blue for me? i recently gotten this fish and its been eating fine and really healthy lookin...i went to next wave and just got home..i was checkin on my fish and my tang is showing white specs by the eye and on the eye...im not sure if thats what it is but im sure it is..if that makes sence..so i wanted to catch it early and start treatment..i am willing to buy whatever i need product wise if someone has a qt setup and is willing to help me save my beautiful tang

Weird you are having this problem because every once and a while my yellow belly hippo tang will have the same problem. Her whole eye will eventually swell and glaze over. It goes away in around 3-4 days after soaking all of their food in garlic and offering algea sheets with garlic every day. I have researched it and can't seem to find a definitive answer. I would love to see a pic of yours to see if it looks similar.

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@ luda, can you post a pic? Powder blues are sensitive and most of them deal with a bit of ich whenever they are first introduced in to the tank. It might be something it can get over on its own with vitamins, low stress, and garlic. With a picture I could give you a better idea of what to do. I do have a QT tank that I was about to start renting out, if you are intersted its $10 per week, 39 gallon bowfront with air pump and airstone.

How big is the fish?

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the fish's right eye did look like it had dead skin hanging off of it last night but these pics were taken just now and the fish looks totally different...they eye looks alot better although there is a few tiny white spots and on its right side where it looks like its scratching on the rocks...hope this helps...i think i might be able to nip it in the butt before it becomes a problem



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