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Chainlink Eel Suicide


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It never fail. The night you leave the lid to the tank off, the eel takes a stroll along the tile floor. I would like to get a dwarf golden moray or even better a pair, hopefully a young pair.

If anyone sees a good deal on a pair, let me know.

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They can be in a mixed reef as long as you don't plan on keeping shrimp or small fish. I kept mine in a side tank that is my "predator" tank. You can use an egg crate lid or a glass top. Either works.

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Sorry to hear that. I've got a 2' long zebra in my DT that I had dreams that I found on the floor several times. I finally went and bought some 1/2" glass covers and I sleep better now.

I've got a really nice pair of golden dwarfs that I go back and forth about selling. Their color is great, they eat like pigs and they hang out together almost all the time. I honestly don't think they would ever try to escape, they just don't venture far from their home. I paid $185 each with shipping and would just keep them if I had to sell for less. Let me know if you are interested, I would only sell as a pair at this point.

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How long have you had them? How long are they?

Sorry to hear that. I've got a 2' long zebra in my DT that I had dreams that I found on the floor several times. I finally went and bought some 1/2" glass covers and I sleep better now.

I've got a really nice pair of golden dwarfs that I go back and forth about selling. Their color is great, they eat like pigs and they hang out together almost all the time. I honestly don't think they would ever try to escape, they just don't venture far from their home. I paid $185 each with shipping and would just keep them if I had to sell for less. Let me know if you are interested, I would only sell as a pair at this point.

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