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Quarantine tank help


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Setting up my 10 gallon Quarantine tank, have 50 w heater, and a aqua clear filter. I plan on using water from my main tank, and put the foam sponge from the aqua clear in my sump (for about 3 weeks) so my Q tank wont have to cycle for several weeks. The filter also came with the carbon (which i dont plan on using), as well as biomax. Says the biomax provides optimal living conditions for beneficial bacteria. Should I throw that in my sump as well to get some bacteria building on that, to later have in my Q Tank... Or is it a bad idea to use that in the filter for my Q Tank? Would it remove medication in Q Tank water if I have to treat fish for any reason ? Also, I know foam sponges often build up nitrates if left in tank for to long. When I am not using my Q Tank, what should I do with the foam sponge? Leave it in my sump, and rinse out every week? Thanks!

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I'm not familiar with "biomax" but it sounds like an inert product that provides surface area for bacteria and should be functionally the same as bioballs and I wouldn't think will remove any medications from the water like the carbon will. The sponge would provide the same function but as you described it it sounds like with the filter you have the manufacter is providing the sponge as a mechanical filter media that would need to be rinsed out weekly-monthly to keep the "biomax" from being clogged. I would think both the "biomax" and the sponge would work well as you described transfering bacteria from your display tank to your QT tank. I would make sure not to transfer anything back to my display tank by cleaning them well in fresh water before moving them from my quarantine tank back to my display tank

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