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How do you catch a yellow tang?


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I've finally found a good home for "Sunny" (thanks, Ron!) :) , So, how do I catch her? This isn't some frail, slow snail. No, sir, this fish is is fast. She can come out from her hiding place, eat every single piece of mysis in sight, and be back behind the rock faster than I can blink. And she's patient, too. If I'm standing by the tank she'll hide and stare at me, without moving, for a good 20 minutes before I look away then she'll grab the caulerpa and run.

How do I catch her without wreaking havoc in my tank?

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Trap her. It's worked for me 8 for 8. I have a trap you can borrow if you want to drive to NW Austin. I used to borrow one from Austin Aquariums, but it was missing recently when I needed it. It works best on the greediest fish and the meanest, but anything that's healthy can be caught.

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Trap her. It's worked for me 8 for 8. I have a trap you can borrow if you want to drive to NW Austin. I used to borrow one from Austin Aquariums, but it was missing recently when I needed it. It works best on the greediest fish and the meanest, but anything that's healthy can be caught.

I don't think I'll have time, but just in case, where in NW Austin?

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