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Air bubbles driving me nuts!


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So I have set up my tank recently and due to the fact the piece of furniture I am using doesn't have and enclosed cabinet I am using HOB Marineland Emperor 280 Filter and a CPR BakPak 2 protein skimmer. Well, the Marineland HOB filter is creating air bubbles from the dropping of the water and despite how full the water level it. I have tried putting more filter media, but that has the opposite effect by causing water to become to full inside and in return water will come out of the side where the intake is.

So my question would be if anyone has had experience with this and knows how to solve the issue, or if using a canister filter would be the best option and eliminate the air bubbles?

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How long have you had the skimmer? Most skimmers take awhile to break in and until they do, there wil be some air bubbles that escape into your tank. They should subside after the inside of the skimmer slimed over. If it's still bubbling after 6-8 weeks, then it's time to start trouble shooting.

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Well I bought the skimmer used and it does not appear to be the problem or main contributor, but rather the HOB Marineland filter creating most of the bubbles. The filter is new though, so maybe that could be a contributing factor. Thanks for the input.

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