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i ordered a Hannah calcium and alk checker. anyone have any experience with them? r they pretty accurate? i am having a receding problem in my tank and i think its due to calcium and alk problems. also my pH is low. i tested it today and it was about 7.8 with the API test. plan on using kalk with my auto top off. anyone concur? also got a pinpoint pH monitor coming in.. cant wait.

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I don't have any current readings. I got them today and tested my water. My calcium said it was 490 and my all was 6.8 dkh. My ph was 7.8. Seems a little out of whack from where I want it but sure everything is ok. Any suggestions.

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For SPS, I would be trying to get my ALK up to 9 KH slowly. Rapid swings (Alk, temp, etc.) can lead to recession. Once you get ALK up where you want it, then you can dose with whatever works for you and your tank to maintain Ca and ALK. Personally, I think daily dosing with a balanced two part is best (safest) for small tanks, if needed. KALK disasters are not unheard of even on big tanks.

Since your pH is low you could use Seachem Reef Buffer to raise both ALK and pH. Your calcium is fine to slightly high IMO. I shoot for 450.

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I would definitely verify your CA readings before you changed anything. My CA Checker is very sporadic. I did three tests within 20 minutes and got three very different reading. Something like 415, 460, and 495. I followed te directions to the "T" and still didn't get consistent readings. I also tried several time via email and phone to get in contact with Hanna tech support, but have had no luck so far.

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I had one test with the CA Checker come out at 420 every test that has followed it blinks 600. I know based on two other tests kits that I have that my CA is somewhere between 420-450. And yes I use RODI water when doing my tests and follow all the instructions. There are some threads on reefcentral talking about ways to improve the results, one being to get an insulin syringe from the drug store and use it to provide a more precise measurement of the .1ml required sample. Personally I'm not willing to spend any more money/time on it to get it to work as advertised.

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