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Hammer Coral


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Im selling my newly acquired hammer coral....

Please dont ask me how i got it, it is a bit embarrassing...

It's a good (2x) golf-ball size.

It has a slight green glow under my aqualight, (camera didn't capture it)

If you wish to come check it out, just let me know.

Im asking for $40, which is a bit less then that my pops paid for it at AT.

Will also give the following to the buyer... as a sign of helping me NOT to kill this beautiful hammer coral.

1. Poly pug on the top left of the image

2. The TINY TINY booger sized zoa on the side of the hammer.

3. tiny free flowing head of hammer coral, probably an accident from it's parent.


Please remember, i just want this to go to a suitable home, not looking to make profit.

Also wont be trading, since i will be restarting my tank.


EDIT 1: I just found a little head of hammer coral drifting...i dont know where it came from but its the size of a sugar grain... free to who ever can house this coral's parents and some friends.

Edited by Pailines
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