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75g Reef Ready w/ stand, hood, sump, refugium, and more!


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I have a 75g Oceanic reef ready tank for sale. It is drilled with a corner overflow and has one return. Has an Oceanic stand and hood. Also, Oceanic sump (20g I believe). Will include a refugium that hangs on to the sump, great for pods. Also will include the Quiet One 3000 return pump. Also have a 250w metal halide fixture w/ actinics, a few powerheads, automatic topoff and various other bits and pieces of stuff that I would throw in. Basically, it's everything you'd need to start reefing right away, with the exception of a skimmer.

Asking $300. Will part out further if no takers.





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This is the light fixture: http://www.ebay.com/itm/48-Metal-Halide-2x-250-T5-HO-Aquarium-Light-716-watt-/270751767019?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item3f0a1019eb

Has worked great for 2+ years, minus the fact that 2 of the 4 actinics sometimes need to be poked in order to turn on. Not sure if it's just loose connections or what? Anyway, I'm asking $50 for it.

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Oh, and for what it's worth, if anyone comes and takes the whole setup away today for $300 I will throw in heaters, test kits, mag float, refugium light, nets, timers, a fitler sock, a 20 gallon quarantine tank w/ light and filter, buckets, a siphon, power strips, etc...

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If someone out there wants some of this setup (excluding tank and stand and canopy), has a truck and will drive it north to McNeil and 183 ($100 value), I will buy this whole thing and part it out myself with the driver having first dibs + $100 value. LMK.

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If someone out there wants some of this setup (excluding tank and stand and canopy), has a truck and will drive it north to McNeil and 183 ($100 value), I will buy this whole thing and part it out myself with the driver having first dibs + $100 value. LMK.

I will take you up on the offer. Tomorrow work?

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Sure, what time? Before noon is best for me.

Anytime works for me. I suppose I could even go tonight, but I am not sure I want to move stuff in the dark. Work the deal with the seller and let me know what time.

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Everything is gone. Thank you cjwl and Entropy. It was great to meet you guys. Appreciate you coming.

Well I wish it were due to better circumstances, but I had a good time. Hope your next go at it is bigger and better.

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