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Cheato question


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I have a good sized ball of cheato in my refugium. When I move it around I notice that some stuff gets knocked off of it and floats into the water. Not sure what it is that comes off. I also see what looks like sponge growing in it. Is there a need to rinse the cheato in a bucket of salt water or should I just leave it alone?

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Imo, the 'stuff' that comes off your cheato is probably some kind of algae.

It's base on my personal reference, but i would take the cheato out, and slosh the cheato gently in salt water.

This gets rid of some algae build up in the cheato and basically prevents algae from free-flowing into your main display.

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I agree, it could be epiphytes (algae that grows on macroalgae/plants). In nature they can be problematic because they grow on macroalgae as a substrate and restrict the light that the macroalgae needs to absorb for photosynthesis. Its definitely not a bad idea to rinse it off so that your cheato can photosynthesize at its full potential.

Edited by Aqua Girl
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