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Brown Algea


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I have a 29g biocube, with 29 pounds of live rock. It has been running for about 2 months and ammonia, nitrites, nitrate, ph, and phosphates are all at a good level. I'm still getting brown algea and a little green on the walls and sand. What give? Need help. The fish seem to be doing fine. I have 2 damsels, and one tomato clown, scooter blennie. One emerald crab, about 15 snails ( just added yesterday, the snails that is) I'm not sure how to stop this problem. I'm using pre-mixed saltwater, which is RO water, that I buy from Adam at Partners Pets in Round rock. Any advice is welcome.


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I have a 29g biocube, with 29 pounds of live rock. It has been running for about 2 months and ammonia, nitrites, nitrate, ph, and phosphates are all at a good level. I'm still getting brown algea and a little green on the walls and sand. What give? Need help. The fish seem to be doing fine. I have 2 damsels, and one tomato clown, scooter blennie. One emerald crab, about 15 snails ( just added yesterday, the snails that is) I'm not sure how to stop this problem. I'm using pre-mixed saltwater, which is RO water, that I buy from Adam at Partners Pets in Round rock. Any advice is welcome. Thanks.
Ok... the algea on the sand is acually more green than brown, Some of my live rock is becoming fuzzy.. like a hair algea is growing on it. Will all that go away too? Its strange because I tested phosphate yester day and it read zero. I guess I will just have to take it slow.
Your new snails should help too.
I put cured live rock in when I built the tank, is there still a cycling period that I should expect the brown and green hair algea on the rocks i'm getting? I'm about to start doing 5g water changes per week, do you think that will help some?
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