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Can you get a fanworm to relocate?


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Short answer is yes.

It really depend on how big it is. If your a decent size (diameter of a pencil or so), then gently separate it as close to the rock as possible. Then stick it in it's new location. It will re-attach itself within a couple days.

Things to note. In my experience they are relatively hearty, but can be hit or miss. Some have relocated with no problems, others have not been happy and completely abandoned their tube. One took a while and build another one, one dissappeared completely. Generally they handle the move just fine.

You should be prepared that the fanworm may not come out for a few days, even up to a week or so.

I recently moved a tank and there was a loose tube. I wasn't sure there was even a worm inside. I gently squeezed it and it felt like there was something in there, but I wasn't sure. So just in case, I stuck it inbetween a couple rocks. I didn't see it come out, then one evening after the lights had been out a while, I looked & it was out. Couple days later it started coming out during the day.

It doesn't hurt if feed your tank phyto, reefroids, oyster eggs, or some kind of filter feeding food. When I feed, all my fan worms pop out.

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