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Trade 3g Pico Tank for Koralia 2 or 3

Robert Wynn

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I have a 3 gallon pico tank I'd like to trade for a Koralia 2 or 3. I recently moved from the 3 gallon to a 10 gallon.

This is the tank http://www.fosterandsmithaquatics.com/product/prod_display.cfm?pcatid=15493 the only difference is my model (ordered November of last year) has the light stretching across the tank instead of the width.

It comes with the tank(1 piece acrylic(no scratches of any note)) the HOB filter and an 18w 50/50 PC. I was keeping Acans/Hammers/Zoas without any issues at all. Tank is a little dirty but can be cleaned up with minimal work. I kept it in the office as it makes a great desktop tank and turned my desk into a social gathering during feeding times.

Here are some pictures of it 2 weeks ago.


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