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furan-2 safe for zebra eel?


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Hi All,

I just lost my squareback anthias and lemon peel to a bacteria infection (Anthias died first and didn't know why until the lemon peel showed signs of a bacterial infection and died shortly thereafter). Well now my remaining chromis are showing signs of the infection as well. Its a fowlr tank and the only inhabitants left are the two chromis - both sick, and my zebra eel. I'm assuming the bacteria has taken over the tank so I was thinking of treating the entire aquarium. I'm nervous that the eel may also be sick - but I wouldn't know how to tell. I'm also not sure how the furan-2 might affect my eel. Any experience with this?


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Parasites don't take over the whole tank, they can enter the water column and stay, but they can only live on their hosts, so they don't infect rock or sandbeds or anything. I don't know the specifics about the eel... looking around the web some people seem to have used it on puffers (also don't have scales) without negative effects. Since they broadly generalize in their advertisement it can treat a lot of things and works in salt and freshwater, I wouldn't be surprised if it works fine.

That said, they're just chromis.... so do you have a 5 gallon bucket and a spare heater and powerhead? You can do a little mini quarantine for the length of the treatment without too much concern I think.

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I was thinking of doing that as well. Ended up treating the entire tank. I did some searching and people have used it with moray eels in the tank with no negative side effects. The disease is bacterial in nature - not a parasite (I think the ich the anthias displayed was a symptom, not the cause). I'm assuming bacteria is everywhere in the water - which is why I decided to treat the entire tank. I'll find out tomorrow morning or afternoon when I go to feed him.

Thanks for the advice. I wish I had remembered I had this medication lying around when the Lemon Peel first got sick - he might still be alive hmm.png. I agree, chromis are chromis - then again money spent on fish is money spent on fish wink.gif.

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LOL. I mostly say that to convince myself. I feel that chromis are much more expendable than my squareback or lemon peel that died first, i.e. I would be much happier if they had switched places smile.gif. Don't tell my chromis I said that - now I've probably jinxed myself and they will just die to be mean and prove a point. Knocking on wood . . . .

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