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I have won the fight


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After fighting an algae problem since last November I have finally beat it. Some may remember my post and video..


I tried everything under the sun to get rid of the algae problem... snails, algae eating fish, darkness for days at a time, I even went as far as scrubbing the rock clean, but the algae just grew back... I have to thank Jeremy (offroadodge) and hydro innovations for the tip that finally got me going in the positive direction. I had tested every aspect of my water except the magnesium. I started dosing and weeks later the algae started ending up in the filter instead of in my tank. The algae is 97% gone and I am finally ready to start adding corals to the tank.

If anyone has any frags they are willing to donate, they will be appreciated. I want to get the tank looking nice so I can host meetings here in the future. I also want to do an advanced photography workshop for those that are interested, but I have nothing really worth taking photos of.

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At the same time you posted that a couple months back, I also had a Bryopsis breakout. I raised the MG to 2300 for 4 weeks and it knocked it out. Haven't seen it since. I also pulled the worst rock and scrubbed it off to reduce the die off from cluttering the tank.




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Did raising your Mg levels that high have any effect on corals, fish, or inverts in the tank? How long did you take to get it that high?

For me, I did it over the course of a week. I saw no ill effects on anything in the tank at the time. But, I only had a few corals and fish.

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