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rolling blackouts


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hmmmm I remember having this conversation before and a few people said that power outages were no big deal and I was being over cautious having a generator for the tank. I've only been without power for about 20-30 mins at a time so I haven't fired up the generator yet.

Here was the previous discussion, maybe there are some tips to help people


Yep and I was that ******* that argued against them, and again I was right.

I actually had 3 people calling me freaking out from this forum and a direct result of this thread this morning while I was at work. They were freaked and asked me if I was serious that I wouldn't be worried about a few hours of no electricity. I said not to worry and that I bet the power wouldn't be off for more than an hour. I haven't had anyone call me back to pay up, hey come to think of it, I have a few calls to make myself....

I stand by my argument.

Today in Egypt mass hysteria caused people to think that the police were coming in as plains clothes officers, several hundred people wounded because of that idea. Mass hysteria has a way of getting people caught up in the moment. Sometimes you just need to step back, take a calm look at things and relax.

How many of you called your Boss today to tell em you couldn't come to work today cause you have to babysit your tnak? Sissies. I'm fully engaged with a losing battle with Influenza but I made it to work today.

Anyways live in fear if you want........

I don't live in fear, I'm prepared :)

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I have an APC UPC on my tank just to power heater and MP10... I figure the least stuff on it the battery, the longer it would power it... they can do without lights for a while but definitely not heat and flow...

BTW... really regret putting my tank so close to a window... lessen learned...

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im not worried, my power went off 3 times and it was fine. The wife said i still had 1" till the sump overflowed (so about 5 gallons of extra room). The bad thing is the reef keeper goes to 12am so the lightn schedule is off. As long as my temp is ok i could care less. Temp didnt go below 77 degrees, now if my power was off for 4-5 hrs and the temp got too low then YES i would worry. Other than the skimmer going crazy when it comes back on im ok. i need to get a overflow for my skimmer cup.

So you are saying that your reefkeeper loses its time when the power goes out? I didn't check but I'm pretty sure mine doesn't do that, I wonder if that's something that they upgraded.

Also Mike no one is living in fear of 3 hrs without power for their tank. People WORRY about the power being off for more than 3 hrs and their tanks getting too cold....then what??? When I lived in Ausin years ago an ice storm came through and knocked out power to my home for 3 days, NO heat whatsoever. How long do you think it would take for a tank to get too cold if the power was out and its 10 degrees outside? This can vary so much there isn't a blanket answer that covers it and that's why I wouldn't suggest that no one worry about it like you have. Someone mentioned that their tank is next to a window, that tank will be colder sooner than the same tank in the middle of the home. I can tell you the smaller the tank the more of a concern that is, a small tank could be too cold in just a few hours. I don't want my tank to get too cold just like everyone else, just like I don't want my Ca, Kh, and Mg to get too low, its hard enough to keep healthy livestock thriving. I have a Ca reactor, is that a waste of time too? No of course not just like having backup power isn't a waste of time either.

I still don't think you are right even though you say you are, I just think that you care less about your tank and it makes it easy to say "ahhh don't worry your **** will live", so then later you can say "ohhh it didn't....oh well its just an aquarium". I don' think that you should criticitize people for protecting their investments or tell them not to worry about them either. Don't forget this is a reef keeping forum...of course people here care too much about their tanks.

BTW it is hilarious to me that you compared the "mass hesteria" of memebers on the club to the the mass hesteria in Egypt that killed people. I think the flu has gotten to your brain.

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We've been lucky, haven't had any blackouts here, guess it must just be happening further out. I've turned out most of the lights so hopefully someone can have that power for a tank! :D

I wouldn't be too worried about a few hrs without power. We used to get random power outages in England when some wally hit something they shouldn't while doing construction. I never did anything to the tank and it always came out fine. Mind you we still had heating in the house, because that was gas, but can it really drop that much in an hr in an insulated house?

Cold is at least a little easier for tank inhabitants to survive through compared to heat. They might get a little dozy, but at least they won't have the oxygen deprivation problems you get with overheating. Someone on another forum said their nano was down to the 50s and they were sure everything was a gonna, but as soon as it warmed up everything was fine (clown, zoos, mushies and some SPS I think?)

I've heard some people suggest boiling water and floating it in bags to help keep the temp up. That could be a thing if your temp starts dropping?

Good luck everyone!

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