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Question for the eel lovers


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Ok, I can't sleep tonight, so I may as well throw this out there... I'm in the process of planning a 75-gal predator tank, and I would really like to have a moray eel included in the stock list. My three front-runners, in order of preference: a jeweled moray (Muraena lentiginosa), a golden-tailed moray (Gymnothorax miliaris) or the omnipresent snowflake eel (Echidna nebulosa). My question is, what are some good tankmates to go with an eel? I'd like to have a lionfish and a trigger of some sort. If I get the sizes balanced out so that the eel shouldn't(?) eat the fish and vice versa, will this list work? What are some other options that people have tried? I'm aware of the inherent risk of combining fish with an eel, especially the jeweled and golden-tail, but I'd like to hear the experiences of those who've tried this before.

PS - Anybody else been to RCA recently and realized that the green moray in the display tank by the front door ate the 9" Desjardin tang the other day?!?!? :(

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I've had a snowflake moray eel in my tank for just shy of a year, and he's quickly become one of my favorite fish. He's in there with a few chromis, a foxface rabbitfish, yellow watchman goby, and various CUC, including a coral banded shrimp and black brittle star that actually share his burrow. I've found that the my snowflake (we call him Joe) really doesn't bother his tankmates as long as I keep him well fed. I think he might have eaten one chromis when I first added him, but they're pretty stupid about taunting him.

I was talking with Jake at RCA a week or two ago and he was telling me that the eels in the front tank had eaten several several lionfish, I don't recall what else, but they pretty much ate whatever he put in the tank with them. I suppose a lot of it depends on the individual animal.

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Haha yea those guys are pretty mean! They never stop eating either. Ive had a snowflake with many fish no problem as long as he was well fed he really didnt care too much for the fish. I still have an eel in my reef. I even have him with a pair of green banded gobies and he doesnt bother them (yet). I should also mention hes a golden dwarf moray so I dont think hell really mess with any fish although every once in awhile hell eat my larger hermits.

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I just purchased a baby zebra eel from Aquadome two weeks ago. Even though I bought live ghost shrimp to feed him the day I brought him home, he immediately took to frozen food. In fact, I've been feeding him right out of my fingers (he nipped me yesterday pretty hard so maybe I'll switch to thongs soon). I've never had an eel and I wanted a fish only system. According to my research, zebra eels are the only eels that do not eat fish. He's pretty cool. I've got a lot of porous rock and he just swims in and among the crevices. He'll come all the way out from hiding when I feed him. He's a fast grower - only had him for two weeks and he's at least 20% larger than when I first bought him. Maybe look into a zebra eel and then you can put any fish you want with him.

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I have a snowflake eel that I kept with tiggers, and a lionfish amongs a few community fish, and I can tell you that he doesn't mess with them, and they don't mess with him. He's my favorite as well. His name is Eellio Estavez or just Eellio for short. I feed him by hand silversides, krill, and squid. He is just over two feet long. He has never bit me durring feeding, but I watch him close as his eye sight is very bad. He did bite me once when I was reaching in the back of the tank for a coral he knocked over, but he was just checking me out. It didn't hurt. Just scared me. I have tons of exp. with this eel, so please hit me up for any questons you may have.

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