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Possible new build


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I am thinking about starting a new tank... Possibly connecting it to my establish reef tank... I was thinking of a specialized tank and seahorses were the first to come to mind... Has anyone had any luck with seahorses and what is your setup?

The other option is doing a very small tank.. Very low bio load and filtration... Maybe some flaming prawn gobies, sexy shrimp, etc. I guess I would need to do bare bottom to see these gobies. Or could you do a bare bottom sea horse tank?

Anyone have any luck with flaming prawn gobies or have other suggestion of somewhat rare and unique fish alternatives? Thanks.

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Hey Migs,

I have kept seahorse for 2 years now and have successfully raised erectus fry just recently. Yes, seahorses MUST be fed at least twice a day, and have near pristine water conditions. They do best in a species only tank, but I have had mine in with mandarins, gobies or anything that is non-competitive for food. My biggest glitch for ponies??? VACATION!! I had to have someone come in twice a day for the entire trip, and I went away 3 times this summer!! But still, for me, it is worth it. I love when they look for you, swim to you, and they are so peaceful. If you ever change your mind, and will go into more detail.

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Sill question... Is there anyway to do any automated feeding setup... I guess it would be difficult with frozen food. Do seahorse eat dry food? The two feedings a day is what scares me... Amazing you are able to do it and successfully raised fry!

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Sorry Migs...they do not eat dry food and the auto-feeder with frozen foods will not work for obvious reasons...:D They are so rewarding though...my routine is in the morning, I defrost 3 cubes, turn off the filter and skimmer and just have the Korlia running...I put the food in and let it rotate for about 30 minutes before I put everything back on. I do the same at night. Now, honestly, I do not do as many water changes as I should, but I have a super CUC and a good skimmer that pulls in alot of nasties. You just have to take a little more time in feeding, and I get up a little earlier so I can do that. I have 5 pair in a 55g. You should have 15g to a pair, so I'm stretching it right now. Some are a little younger, so I can get away with it. As far as raising the fry, that is a headache!! It is a full time job, but for my first time with erectus and not being prepared, these 3 that are 2 months old are a blessing!! I had another batch born on Thanksgiving morning (HORRIBLE timing), not able to work with them as well, and lost LOTS. But so far again, I saved about 5. It will get better and I am determined!! Let me know if you ever have any more questions.

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