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What kind of eggs are these?


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The tank inhabitants are:

1 Blue/green chromis

1 maroon clown

1 algae blenny

lotsa nessarius, astrea, cerith, turbo snails

lotsa hermits

2 emerald crabs

1 lettuce nudibranch

1 brittle star

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Most likely those are nassarius eggs. If I remember correctly, ceruth lay them in long lines, also on the glass.

My nassarius have started laying eggs also. I thin it has to do with a recent temperature change I had in my tank.

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Most likely those are nassarius eggs. If I remember correctly, ceruth lay them in long lines, also on the glass.

My nassarius have started laying eggs also. I thin it has to do with a recent temperature change I had in my tank.


So far, nobody in the tank has taken any interest in them.

Do you they think they will hatch?

Or should I just spread them onto a cracker and eat it?

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I actually would put my money on the nudibranch. They lay eggs in spirals. How long has it been in the tank? Nassarius snails lay in a different pattern.

It has been in the tank for about a month. There were two, but one of them disappeared a couple of weeks ago.

The nudibranch does spend most of his time on that side of tank,

and my nassarius rarely ride on the glass.

So I think you are probably correct.

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I actually would put my money on the nudibranch. They lay eggs in spirals. How long has it been in the tank? Nassarius snails lay in a different pattern.

Actually, I am going to change my vote. I totally missed the stocking list showing that you had a nudibranch. You are right, my nassarius do more of a zig/zag pattern, and not spiral.

I think nessarius also. I would like to know what that little brown spot is in the bottom right. Almost looks like a flatworm to me...I've only seen them large though.

It does look like a flatworn after re-looking at the picture.

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