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need help deciding my fish


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alright guys,

ever since i have joined this forum, i have gotten nothing but great advice and help from everyone. as well as frags and an empty wallter but, that is besides teh point :D. so what i need right now is some advice on what kind of fish for a 40g breeder. the only thing i am really looking for is a lot of color. i would like for the fish to kind of accent my coral. and thus far the only fish i know i would like is a yellow tang. give me your opinions and if you have any pics of the fish. :D

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A yellow tang is going to outgrow a 40g breeder in fairly short order, so you might reconsider that one. There are a handful of dwarf angels that would work in a tank that size, with the flame angel and coral beauty generally considered the "most" reef-safe. If you're looking specifically for a reef-safe yellow fish, you might take a look at a midas blenny. Any of the clowns would be good choices, and there are a number of beautiful reef-safe wrasses to choose from (there are also lots of NOT-reef-safe wrasses, so do your homework! ; ). Dottybacks and basslets are colorful and a good size match for your tank. Just be aware that some can be fairly bossy, and some won't co-exist with shrimp very well.

Hope that gets you started!


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this link will provide info on a plethora of marine fish: http://liveaquaria.com/product/aquarium-fish-supplies.cfm?c=15

it can help narrow your search for fish that do well in a 40g as well. an exceptional write up on every one of the species.

even if you don't buy from them, it is a great resource!

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I love my two spot hogfish. I got it from Shane at Fishy Business and last I saw he had another really nice one. It's a nice yellow with a little orange mixed in, swims around where he can be seen a lot and looks like a wrasse. I haven't looked it up, but I assume hogfish and wrasses are closely related.

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Hogfish are a type of Wrasse. They tend to get a little bigger than a Fairy Wrasse though and can be aggressive. It is important to do your research on a Wrasse before purchase. I was once sold one as a Fairy Wrasse only to find out it would get over 2 feet long! :) Had to tear up my tank to get it out.

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