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Tank is leaking...

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It is midnight and I made a final check of the house and discovered a small leak in the bottom left corner of my 90g tank. I added some silicone to the outside, hopefully that will slow it down until in the morning. From there I sent Sea Clearly to see what they can do.

How long does it take a trickle to turn into a flood? I guess I'll have my answer in the morning :sick: We just added a tunze nano wave maker about a month ago, coincidence?

Suggestions? I know I have to break the tank down and reseal, or replace it. This sucks because we finally got everything where we wanted it.

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This happened to me when I had my 55 gallon...heard water running at 3am. Unfortunately, I was also in a cast and had to use crutches. (Seriously, that's a great story.)

I put the fish in one of those plastic storage containers with air and heater - got new tank the next day. (Removed sealant from old tank, resealed it, it still wanted to leak...)

Hope yours turned out ok.


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