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Free pink and green seacucumber


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I bought this the other day before learning about how dangerous it can be if it dies. I'd like to get rid of it for trade but as I'm desperate I'd be willing to just give it away too. It shows no signs of stress other than not fully extending its branches at times.


I'm located in cedar park near ACC Cypress Creek.

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Dare I ask how overloaded your tank was? Sounds like your fish were probably already stressed and the cuc dying just pushed them over. I only say this because a 30 gallon tank is small and in no way should you ever have had a hippo tang in that size tank. So how many other fish were in the tank. Hope this doesn't come across wrong, but I want to make sure zenofix understands everything before getting rid of an excellent filter feeder. On a side note I also kept two cucumbers and they did an excellent job of keeping my tank pristine. One did die and everything survived without any issues.

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Dare I ask how overloaded your tank was? Sounds like your fish were probably already stressed and the cuc dying just pushed them over. I only say this because a 30 gallon tank is small and in no way should you ever have had a hippo tang in that size tank. So how many other fish were in the tank. Hope this doesn't come across wrong, but I want to make sure zenofix understands everything before getting rid of an excellent filter feeder. On a side note I also kept two cucumbers and they did an excellent job of keeping my tank pristine. One did die and everything survived without any issues.

Understandable question.

I had a hippo tangs in my 30g zoa tank because it was a baby, 1 1/2" each. Kind of like how I have had 18 baby clowns in my 30QT tank for the last month. I don't believe in throwing babies in large tanks until they can fend for themselves. Where I would otherwise agree with you that you should not ever place fish in tanks that are rated to small for them, for me it is a graduation process. I already own a large tank they just were not ready for the open water. You should never buy a fish you can not accommodate in the long run. The zoa tank was well established, had been up for several years, and was a very healthy tank. Hippos babies are very sensitive and I wasn't about to drop them in my 240g until I was confident in their health so I put them in the 30g for about a month because they are fast growers. I came home one day to a cracked tank which was more than likely what triggered the slime ball to nuke the tank. All the fish except a clown were dead. The devastating blow was my newly paired madrins that I had just finally got to switch to frozen brine. It was crushing... One thing you all can learn from this is that hardy clowns along with a tank jammed full of zoas made it through this painful ordeal just fine.

I understand my incident was isolated but isolated incidents happen to everyone. Why compound it with a fickin grenade sitting in your tank waiting for the pin to be pulled.

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