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Got a Baby? Why You Need a Saltwater Fish Tank


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Great video post Mark!

It's a simple fact that kids love fish tanks.

All 3 of my kiddos enjoy the tank. The oldest (3) likes to stand on the step stool and claim that he is a fish worker. My middle one (2) loves to point out the snails in the tank. And my youngest (5months) gets great head control exercises when I hold him by the tank or park him in front while in his walker.

Not to mention the benefit of using the "kids love the fish tank" justification to leverage for a larger tank. I mean seriously, who would deny their kids the learning opportunity that a great reef tank provides? My 65g was great when there were just two kids, but really, we all know that kids need a minimum of 30g to be happy and healthy........so I am planning on a 180-200g system. That should provide plenty of room for enjoyment in the years to come before they outgrow that system. :)

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Great video Mark! Your son really seems to like it


and for sure...he loves staring at the fish. I used to put him in his swing in front of the RBTA and he would crash out quickly. Now he just wants to roll around so he's onto other things!

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Mark, I hate to be the critic among all the praise.

But I have to tell you: Your setup is definitely overstocked.

Didn't you know the rule of thumb is 10 gallons of water per inch of baby?


Does that mean as the kid grows, I need to get a bigger tank...like every 3 months?!

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I have no experience in regards to babies and reef tanks, BUT, my niece (4) loves to come over and play with our catfish in the big tank. She loves to stand on a stool, and hold the pieces of fish and pellet and wait for one of the two to come up and slurp her fingers while searching for the hidden chunk, inside a clamped little fist. Neither of the catfish have the capability to actually bite her, (one not mentally, and the other physically deformed) and she loves when the RTC's whiskers come out of the water touch her face, and the giggles break out. I don't have kids toys at my house, aside from the random stuffed animals from claw machines (boring), and our 360 which she plays for a while... so she gets hours of fun with them and I too, have a blast. I bet our new niece would love our salt tank.

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So your saying, if you have a baby- get a tank. Soooo... if you have a tank you need a baby?.... thats going to be a weird conversation with Gregory later!

it works both ways.

When the baby shows up, lmk, I've got THE method to get them to sleep through the night @ 6 weeks.

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