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rabbitfish acting weired


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since last night, my rabbitfish has a big buldge in his stomach area and hes moving around kinda slow. there any deseases that cause that? or did i overfeed and hes constipated? i really like this guy. its a scribbled rabbitfish. the other fish dont look like that.

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Could be that he is just full. If he's swimming normally, good coloration, no signs of troubled breathing, etc. then you should be okay. If you could, though, post a picture up of him with his bloated belly. If its abnormally big, there might be another issue.

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yah hes not swimming much, hes usually all over the place and now hes chilling. the other fish are staying right next to him. maybe to comfort it i dont know. ill try to get a better pic. its hard to judge his color. I noticed he changes color really easily. if i come to the tank he always turns to a darker color. like hes trying to match his surroundings

post-1502-001648900 1281987598_thumb.jpg

Edited by Myvirtue
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I second that he is probably going to be ok. As long as he keeps swimming, eating, and no rapid gill movement. Usually one of the first thing a sick fish does is stop eating. Just keep your eye on him.

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My rabbitfish does this frequently.. I often cycle rocks from my small tank into my big tank to let him eat the overgrowing macroalgae, he'll strip the rock clean in a matter of hours, then swim around bloated for a while, then be back at his algae clip begging for more within a day. As long as he's eating, moving like normal, not hiding or showing stress colors he should be ok.

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