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Shrimp? Fry


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I've noticed these guys before when looking at my tank at night. Finally was able to get a decent-ish picture. They pop up for just a night or 2 at max, every couple weeks.

I do currently have a couple peppermint shrimp, but I've seen these guys long before I got the pepps. I've also encountered them in my 10gal where I only have one peppermint, and have never had a second.

Could they be from viable egg cysts on frozen mysis falling off and hatching in the tank?

Am I totally overlooking something else that they are?

I do have a pair of clowns, but I'm pretty sure these aren't fish fry. They definitely look like shrimp to me.

Click thumbs for the best pics I could get.





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I saw these in my tank before at night, while looking for clownfish frys. I got a bunch out and tried to raise them in separate container, feeding them with Instant Algae; they were pretty hardy creatures (no water change for few weeks). After 1-2 weeks what I saw were a few adult brine shrimp in the container; not sure if my container were contaminated with BS (sucked out from the main tank along with these shrimps) or not. I did put a few of these shrimp under the microscope, but couldn't conclude if they were mysis, peppermint, or cleaner. They do have red stripes running down their back; so I thought these might have been cleaner shrimp but after a several weeks of raising them they didn't morph to anything else. At that point i just dump the whole container into my clown fry's tank and give them a good meal.

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