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Vertex Pro Pellets (solid Carbon dosing)


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I think my water being too clean may be a factor. I also turned off my skimmer when i put the epoxy in, as it makes my skimmer go nuts. The reduced orp could have also caused the rtn, especially if the tank is running uln .

Looks like im going to have to start feeding more.

anyone have any preferences on coral food that wont break the bank.

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So far It's all good. I have to empty and clean my skimmer cup twice a week. I'm skimming very dry and pulling out mondo nasty stuff. The water never looked clearer. I have a scratch on my tank I've never noticed. I guess you could put that down as a negative. Everything and I mean everything looks better. My chalices my sps my zoas. I'm super happy with the product. Aquacave made me a deal and I have enough for the next two years.

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For a small (29 gallon) aquarium without a sump what would ya'll recommend I use to run these pellets. I am curious if this will help cut down on the amount of algae that grows on the glass etc.

I just re-did the aquascaping to add more open areas between the rock for better flow. It was just this past Sunday so hard to tell if it made a difference or not.

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Sumpless is fine, i would use this reactor though http://www.marinedepot.com/filters_two_little_fishies_phosban_reactor-ap.html.

I would use a maxijet 1200 to power it.

You would need to have a good skimmer as well in order for this method to be effective.

as far as the pellets go, you would need 150-200ml for that sized tank

Vertex sells them in 500ml and 1000ml packs

Warner Marine Eco-bak comes in 250ml 500ml and 1000ml packs

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Thanks for the info Will. The Phosban reactor for $44.99 aint bad. So, when I start dosing this I can stop running my AquaClear (HOB) filter which I use only for my activated carbon bag?

FYI: I am currently using an AquaC Remora skimmer

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Thanks for the info Will. The Phosban reactor for $44.99 aint bad. So, when I start dosing this I can stop running my AquaClear (HOB) filter which I use only for my activated carbon bag?

FYI: I am currently using an AquaC Remora skimmer

There are different opinions on this. You cannot run pellets and activated carbon in the same reactor, so if that is what you are asking, the answer is no. If you asking whether or not you can stop using activated carbon when you switch to pellets, then i would tentatively say yes. However if you have been using AC for a long period, i would not stop until the pellets have been online for at least a month.

Some would advise that you keep using carbon, but if space is an issue with you (as it is with me), i would not see a harm in removing it.

I would keep some around and have the ability to add it back on if you need it.

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Will how about the BRS reactor will that be fine for the pellets just asking in case i want to test them out in the future. of course once i upgrade my skimmer.


Sumpless is fine, i would use this reactor though http://www.marinedepot.com/filters_two_little_fishies_phosban_reactor-ap.html.

I would use a maxijet 1200 to power it.

You would need to have a good skimmer as well in order for this method to be effective.

as far as the pellets go, you would need 150-200ml for that sized tank

Vertex sells them in 500ml and 1000ml packs

Warner Marine Eco-bak comes in 250ml 500ml and 1000ml packs

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keeping them tumbling is the hard part. It took almost two weeks of pretty constant dinking with mine but finally they are a non stop tumble. I'm thinking of adding more as I use less than called for just to be on the safe side.

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I have got alot of questions about getting your pellets to tumble.

Here is a video of my pellets in the reactor (if i can get it to work)

Also some good trouble shooting.

1) your pellets most likely will not tumble when you first put them in your reactor, they will most likely float to the top of the reactor, this is normal, and why it says on the package to soak them in rodi for a day or so.

2) if they say at the top, try tapping the reactor on a flat hard surface to get them to fall down, this worked for me.

You will need to increase the flow as time goes on, in order to keep them tumbling properly.


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