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getting a new...... old tank

Nathan Bailey

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So my brother had a 75 gallon tank that held some red belly piranha. The tank has now been empty and sitting in my fathers garage for about a year. I bought a new house and want to upgrade from my 29 gallon to the 75. I was wondering what i should do to clean up the tank, what should I use as in marine safe cleaner, if any. My parents do live on a dirt road that has heavy traffic so the tank has a considerable amount of dust in it. After it is cleaned I want to make it into a nice tank, unlike my 29 that is covered it GHA that i have accepted will never go away. I need some advice on filtration for the tank this is going to be taking place over the next year of buying stuff for the tank and just sitting on it till i have everything i need for it. Any and all advice is welcome in setting up the new tank as well as in filtration, lighting, ro/di units and so on. What do you wish you did different (if anything) or what worked well. the only corals i plan on having are just some softies, fish i am still up in the air about.

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40 or larger sump, over sized protein skimmer, MH or T5 (4 or 6 bulbs) lighting. and get it drilled

you can clean it with water, and then i would fill it (leak test) and pour 10-20 oz of vinegar in the water and let it set for a while.

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+1 for vinegar water, and gettn the tank drilled B4 u get it up and running. A 40G sump will be fine, thats what size i have on my 120G. Skimmer=GET A GOOD ONE say atleast one for up to 150G tank. That shld get u started for now.

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