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Free Sand


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I have a little less than half a bucket of sand. This use to be in my fuge, then I moved it to the sump of a smaller set up. It would probably do best in a similar area (sump or fuge). It's black and white...few years old. It's been in a bucket since last Saturday...free...just need a bucket in return because I am getting low on them.

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I don't see why it wouldn't. I am going to try to hit RCA tomorrow...have to bring Ceely and Buddy to the vet in Austin for noon, then bring them home first. Lots of driving...I'll talk to Jay about it and see if we can definitely make it up that way...would be closer to 2. We may just bring them for the ride...they should behave themselves.

So you got rid of a tank and got another? You are CRAZY! I would LOVE to get that 200g tank that's for sale. No money though...sniffles!!! I've got a 30 gal with a nice LED I spent $400 on and I can't get it to stop producing red slime. I do a decent amount of water changes...have a skimmer...very little in it...not sure what's going on. I really wanted to make it an SPS tank...I'm getting frustrated and may just sell it. Having an extra dog a the house is wearing on my patience for three tanks.


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Hey Dena!!

Just let me know if you make it up this way...I will have a bucket in tow!!

I tore down 4 tanks...it was way too much for me and also, I destroyed a light fixture and got revenge...I have just the 2-55"s, a 40g breeder and a 20g high...all in the fish room upstairs...nothing near the NEW TV ( if I would have heard that again, I would've killed him)....

Take care of your "fur-babies" and let me know if you come up this way....:snack:

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I have a little less than half a bucket of sand. This use to be in my fuge, then I moved it to the sump of a smaller set up. It would probably do best in a similar area (sump or fuge). It's black and white...few years old. It's been in a bucket since last Saturday...free...just need a bucket in return because I am getting low on them.

if you need a few buckets I have some they were used for pickles from a Theater if you want.... will give them to you... or trade for a frag.. lol if you have any

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I am sure I'll be up that way...even just to browse RCA's selection. The bank gave us a little bit of funds until they settle our claim - someone used my Visa Debit for $1400 worth of stuff. We'll get it all back, but up until yesterday we were flat broke and had to bum money for gas.

I'm down to three tanks, but that small one is really getting on my nerves. My girl Sissy has bone cancer now, and I got this female back a couple weeks ago, on top of the other female mix I need to place. They can't be out together and in their crates they bark while I have the other one out. They are driving me nuts girl...my head always hurts and I've been stressed out for weeks. I just sent a plea to all of my previous adopters to see if they are looking to get another dog soon, or if they have friends that are looking. If I could just place Kat and Ceely, life would be MUCH easier. Then my little bitty fish tank wouldn't be an issue.

Thanks August...I'll be okay with buckets, just want to make sure I get one for the one that comes with the sand biggrin.gif

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Oh Dena...my son had the same thing happen!! Someone stole his credit card number and started charging up a crap load of clothes in Utah...they even hit $1 at Red Box!!! WTFlip??? How can you use a stolen number at a Red Box machine??? No card, just a name and number...then they hit Foot Locker, Hot Topic, Abercrombie...crappers...we did dispute and got it all back...they were apprehended!!!...

I am sorry you are so stressed....I'd be more than happy to give you something for the sand...do you need any CUC?? We can trade?? or I can give YOU money for gas...:)

I know having pups can be stressful...my poodle just went through a bite we think he got from fighting with a possum in the back yard...I guess since he always bites, someone got him back!! He's OK now, but boy, was I worried about him...

Just give me a call and I'll meet you...let me know if you need anything...I have limited things in stock being I have not placed an order for much this week...I do have:


trochus snails

hermit crabs

emerald crabs

Mexican Turbos

Talk to you tomorrow.........................

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$1 at Red Box...wow. Well we had someone in London use it. Looks like it was used through a bill paying service...two charges totally $1400. We will get it all back and they gave us some $$ in the meantime, but we also finally got paid last Thursday so that helped. It just sucked because we had no money for a week and neither of us had gas and we didn't get groceries yet. Jason was having withdrawals from "good food" because we had to eat "back up" food...like canned stuff and Mac N Cheese LOL. He's so spoiled with his dang Central Market meats.

So did you tell your Poodle that it serves him right because he's always biting? I would have said that to my dog LOL. I may have a foster for one of the girls. I emailed as many adopters as I could and one in Plugerville said they weren't looking to get a second dog permanently, but want to help and would be willing to foster one. So we'll see what happens with that.

I don't need anything in trade...I posted it for free so it's free biggrin.gif I'll call when I'm at RCA.


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Thanks Dena....and no, we still have our beloved Toby aka "Cujo"...he only bites people that he feels would hurt us...everybody!!...JK....he was hit by a car a few years back and has never been the same...he was never aggressive before that...he was unconscious for a while and when he woke up, he bit the emergency vets and then tried to bite me, his #1 love!! Poor guy...he will also go after us if we get too close to he yummies...:P

I'll talk to you later!!!

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Ya know, I haven't really looking into anything like that. I'll make some time to read up on it. I have nitrate problems in all three of my tanks and this is the only one with the slime. It's actually the one with the lowest nitrate level also.

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Thank YOU Dena and Jason for coming to the house...:)...next time make a right, then a left, then a right...pass the school, then pass the house...then make a U-turn and find the old lady in the driveway with a bucket...I'm still seeing that Terra burger.................................

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HA! Give me a break biggrin.gif My navigator was hungry and not helping at all. That burger was definitely not worth the wait and the $$. Sure it's all-natural, but BK's taste better and don't drip in your lap.

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HA! Give me a break biggrin.gif My navigator was hungry and not helping at all. That burger was definitely not worth the wait and the $. Sure it's all-natural, but BK's taste better and don't drip in your lap.

Gotta love Jason...he's like Carmine...he sits, he eats, you go the wrong way, he laughs...:doh: Thanks again girl and hope to see you around more often>>>:)

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