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Just an idea....


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I have given some thought to a cool thing for the group to do.... I have been getting SOOO much help and advice from members here on the forum... wouldnt it be nice if every month we recognize someone kinda like a member of the month... someone who shows kindness to others as well as helping members and stuff.... I just hope one day I will be able to pay forward the help and knowledge that the people on ARC have shown me....

Thanks to everyone for all their help and advice :jump:

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yeah will something like that.. maybe they could get some random frag or an award type thing.... just something cool could be handed out at the meeting if the person is there or emailed... something cool.. just to give someone who the club thinks goes an extra mile to help others... I know I have had a few people kind of take me under their wing so to speak and help me out! Also had some very friendly and helpful people with all kinds of stuff I just think they deserve to be recognized for it

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