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Free Banana Wrasse / Yellow Wrasse

Mike M.

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The Banana Wrasse committed an act of murder on one of my wife's birthday pistol shrimps today and it signed his eviction papers. The fish is free because its prognosis is guarded. I was unable to net the fish so I got some 6 lb line and a tiny treble hook and he came out in 20 seconds. He is a greedy eater for sure. I surgically removed the treble hook, but the fish suffered a minor wound that most likely will heal. Nonetheless, I would feel bad charging for him. So, if you want him, he is about 6" and quite the battle cruiser. Message and I'll get you directions to come pick him up from solitary confinement in my sump. Bring a bucket!


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Oh yeah i am going to get him. He can have fun beating up my rocks, and i do not think he will bother my mated false percs. the ONLY thing he will give heck is an anemone shrimp, but you try catching an anemone shrimp in a 90gl.

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