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Coral growth and coloration.


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I used to have a 2x96w power compact fixture over my 40g breeder tank. I did not have any problems keeping any type of coral as long as i placed them accordingly in the tank. I switched my lighting over to Metal halides and to a 75g tank and things have taken off. I have only been using Metal halides for about a month and a half and my corals color has started to amaze me. I posted a few pics purple digi and hollywood stunner chalice to show the changes. Feel free to post any before and after pics of your corals that have started to grow or color up dramatically.(count the eyes on the chalice)

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The only concern I really have with halides is that some stuff will burn if you have it too high in the tank. Hmm. My new setup doesn't have anything near the top... hmm... stop tempting me with expensive purchases Lamont!

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The only concern I really have with halides is that some stuff will burn if you have it too high in the tank. Hmm. My new setup doesn't have anything near the top... hmm... stop tempting me with expensive purchases Lamont!

Go for it Derek. What's the point of a big tank if not to have big corals -- grown out my tank 3 times in 4 years with 400's. MH, there is no substitute!

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The only concern I really have with halides is that some stuff will burn if you have it too high in the tank. Hmm. My new setup doesn't have anything near the top... hmm... stop tempting me with expensive purchases Lamont!

Hey Derek, if your concerned about your softies then just acclimate them slowly. I keep some softies at the top of my tank, but mainly SPS. When I switched over to MH's I lost my torch coral and three heads of duncans. That was because i had them epoxied to the top of my tank when I was using PC's. I was foolish for not dropping them down at first. Now I have no problem with any coral. I have also been getting most of my corals from people that have 2 or 3 400w MH fixtures.(Don duncan, Mike.M Danny etc..)

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i switched from pc to mh (initially with only a 3 hr photo period, increasing the photo period by 30 minutes every third day) pc actenics are on from 12 hours a day., and i have had no problems.

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