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I have to say that I am proud of myself as a first timer starting out a saltwater tank. I am on month 5.. I think, now. Anyway, I have been pretty patient and there are only a few fish in my tank. I may have rushed things with getting a mandarin draggonette because of the lack of a pod population. Two weeks ago I decided to go to RCA and buy some tiger pods. I poured them into my sump and crossed my fingers. Last night after my lights went out I pulled out my flashlight to watch my cleaner shrimp and I noticed a lot of stuff stirring around. I looked closer and I was soo shocked, the tiger pods have exploded. They were eveywhere.. in the rocks, on the glass, in the sump. Its so weird that you cant really see them in the day time though. I'm just excited and had to share that. :lol:

I am ready to start getting some sps in my tank. Does anyone have any suggestions for a new reef tank owner.

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Congrats on the success so far! I do enjoy checking out the tank after lights out. I am always amazed at the critters that come out at night (ie bristle worms, brittle stars, pods).

SPS recommendations might be birds nest or plating montipora. I have had good success with both in my relatively young setup.

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SPS recommendation: I have had great luck with branching Montipora's (Montipora Digitata). They are currently under T5 lighting, however, they also thrived under power compacts. They come in a variety of colors: green, red (looks orange to me), purple, and brown with blue polyps.

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So, to better help on recs, what lighting are you running? Monti's and Blue Tipped Staghorn Acros are hard to kill and grow like weeds. If you are lit adequately, millies do well also. Once they take off, they grow like weeds.


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